
“Most websites these days are completely over-engineered.”


“If you’re a young interactive designer, try hanging out more with developers instead of designers. You’ll thank me later.”


“Invest in your own platforms. Building audiences on any other platform can be taken away from you with the snap of a finger. Use other platforms as a funnel, not as the base.”


“The most difficult part of switching from being a traditional designer to becoming a maker is moving from unmanageable perfectionism and a ‘done’ mindset to an incremental approach. Everything is always in flux.”


“I know there is a shortcut somewhere to remove text formatting when pasting it, but I will keep copy pasting it into my browser address bar. Because I’m a professional.”


“I have this theory that in the distant future, social media will grow so extreme, that only marketing departments and mad people will engage in it. The rest has opted out, living life like it was pre-social media.”


“Data is just the past pretending to know the future.”


“It is still impressive how far ahead Macromedia Flash was in terms of interactivity and design on the web. To this day, we’re still trying to do the same things we did 20 years ago with Flash.”