GIFs Without the .gif
“There’s really no good reason to use the bulky .gif file format anymore.”
“There’s really no good reason to use the bulky .gif file format anymore.”
How should we build emails now?
CSS offset-path will be significantly enhanced in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
Pros and cons of using the new vs. now deprecated syntax.
Two new browser APIs are set to change the debate.
Simpler UI components with the popover attribute.
Get ready for a basic feature for custom HTML elements.
Which CSS properties still require a prefix?
What’s the point of the new HTML ‘blocking’ attribute?
What you can expect from setHTML and setHTMLUnsafe.
A selection of COLR, COLRv1, and OpenType-SVG fonts.
Where visual centering can still be a challenge.
A better alternative to ‘width: 100%’ in CSS?
What’s certain is that SVG icons are the better choice.
Inline SVG, ‘use’, ‘img’, spritesheet, or JSX?
What to expect from the upcoming enhancement.
It delivers some useful features a ‘link’ doesn’t offer.
A modern asynchronous alternative to ‘document.cookie’.
Say hello to the Temporal and the Internationalization API.
The top image and video options today.