Performance Budgets, Pragmatically
A way to define performance budgets for any website.
A way to define performance budgets for any website.
Is it worth to move over from Gzip?
Let’s find a snippet for loading Google Fonts at lightning speed.
A holistic way to visualize performance across an entire site.
“If you’re too expensive, you’ll find that out soon enough. If you’re too cheap, you’ll probably never find it out, and that’s the problem.”
Insights into the web performance metric, tricks, pitfalls, bugs.
Advice for anyone making performance-facing changes.
The popular performance technique may be more questionable than you think.
Do’s and don’ts when working with async snippets of third parties.
How script injection using document.write() hurts web performance.
'Outdated' web performance metrics can still be very useful.
Google’s performance metrics demystified in 400 (or 5,500+) words.
A cutting-edge remake of a decade-old technique.
Can you cache a file in the browser ‘forever’?
A line of HTML can make pages noticeably faster.
A look at the new HTML attribute and its use cases.
How much browser caching potential are you wasting?